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Recommendation Letter-4

已有 2666 次阅读2006-3-22 19:48

Recommendation Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

    It is very pleased to recommend Ms. *** , one of my favorite student, to go to your faculty to further her studying. Ms.*** graduated with honor from the foreign language faculty of **** in 1999.
    I have known her since 1996, when she joined our faculty. At that time I taught her the extensive reading. during my course, she showed me the strong interest in English studying, and also she through her hard working and her talent to get tremendous achievement.
    In my impression, Ms.*** has lots of good characters: smart, hard working, strong responsibility and so on, so when I heard that she wanted to go abroad to improve her knowledge, I feel so happy and I have fully confidence in her intelligence and her diligence.
    I hereby represent my recommendation without reservation. Should you have further questions please contact me. My email address: **********

Yours sincerely,

Professor of Foreign Language Faculty






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