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Exp Brain Res.的约稿

zhixl 发表于 2004-6-20 22:25:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2004-6-22 22:30:00 | 显示全部楼层


The aim of this study was (1) to provide electrophysiological evidence that temporal principle, in nonhuman primates and other mammals superior colliculus, is not completely applicable in human cerebral cortex and (2) to present an approach to detect the latency of subthreshold excitation. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 121 scalp electrodes while subjects performed a categorization task (like the classic experiment of Giard and Peronnet’s [J. Cogn. Neuroscience 11:5, 473-490]): At each trial, the subjects had to indicate which of two objects was presented by pressing one of two keys. The two objects were defined by auditory stimulus alone, visual stimulus alone, or the combination of auditory and visual stimulus. In combination condition, visual stimulus onset was earlier 15 ms (experiment 1) and 30 ms (experiment 2) than the auditory stimulus onset. Spatiotemporal analysis of ERPs revealed several auditory-visual interaction components that cannot be explained by previous temporal principle or can infer the latency and order of auditory and visual convergence. In frontal cortex, only in experiment 2, an effect was observed as early as 30 ms after auditory stimulus onset. It is not only earlier than all of reported latency of auditory-visual interaction components but also suggest that temporal factor, in human cortex, can influence the occurrence of auditory-visual interaction, unlike in animal superior colliculus (influence level of response enhancement). Also in frontal cortex, another effect was observed in both experiments with same latency that after visual stimulus onset ? ms. The probable reason is that multisensory cells in here receive converging auditory input then receive visual converging input. In left visual area, an effect was observed after visual stimulus onset ? ms in experiment 1 and after visual stimulus onset ? ms in experment 2. The probable reason is that multisensory cells in here receive converging visual input then receive auditory converging input. To contrast the reasons of the last two findings, the relationship between multisensory response latency and unisensory convergence order can help us to detect the latency of excitation including subthreshold excitation. The last two findings also indicate input timing may be an asset, as well as a constraint in multisensory processing.

[此帖子已被 zhixl 在 2004-6-23 12:05:24 编辑过]
 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2004-6-20 23:41:00 | 显示全部楼层

Human cortical integrative processes of auditory-visual stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA)




Integrative processes of auditory-visual stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA)in human cortex

[此帖子已被 zhixl 在 2004-6-21 17:52:18 编辑过]
 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2004-6-21 08:05:00 | 显示全部楼层

目前已经报道过的潜伏期最短的AV统合成分是about 40 ms after stimuli onset,我发现的成分则只有about 30 ms,是目前已知潜伏期最早的AV成分
2. inverse effectiveness (rule), 一个曾经在人类皮质被发现,但不被作者本人肯定的成分.我要在此对其肯定.
3.response enhancement and depression(rule)


3、讨论inverse effectiveness,还有点自信


[此帖子已被 zhixl 在 2004-6-21 20:58:44 编辑过]
bioguider 发表于 2004-6-21 09:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
对题目有点疑问,Human cortical integrative 有一个名词和两个形容词来修饰一个名词,是不是多了点?
 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2004-6-21 11:28:00 | 显示全部楼层

Integrative processes of auditory-visual stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA)in human cortex
remind_me 发表于 2004-6-21 11:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2004-6-21 22:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
When two or more sensory cues from different modalities appear in close temporal and spatial proximity, the firing rate of these ‘multisensory integrative’ (MSI) cells can increase multiplicatively (i.e. beyond that expected by summing the impulses exhibited to each modality in isolation). These crossmodal enhancements are maximal when the individual stimuli are minimally effective — a principle referred to as inverse effectiveness. By contrast, spatially disparate crossmodal cues can produce a profound response depression.
The temporal relationship of the different stimuli is critical for the elicitation of response enhancement, and it has been shown that stimulus combinations that occur within 100 ms of one another have the highest likelihood of evoking such a response amplification. This makes obvious sense because stimuli that occur in close temporal proximity are most likely to be initiated by the same environmental event.
Other features that influence multisensory integration are the modality-specific response properties of the neuron(s) involved,
such as directional or velocity preferences, intensity
thresholds, etc.[Prog. Brain Res. 95 (1993) 79–90已经复印]
the relative level of stimulus effectiveness inversely influences the magnitude of multisensory response enhancement [J. Neurophysiol. 56 (1986) 640–662], such that stimuli that are maximally effective when presented alone often elicit little to no response amplification while those stimuli that are nearly undetectable by themselves tend to produce the highest levels of response enhancement.
These factors are applicable not only to multisensory interactions in neurons of the superior colliculus, but also in those of the cerebral cortex and perhaps all other regions where excitatory–excitatory multisensory convergence has been documented [Exp. Brain Res. 91 (1992)484-8,复印了,但找不到了,否的就是它].
We know that there is a temporal window for integration of neural responses to stimulus inputs from different modalities, as well as for our perception of multisensory inputs as ‘fused’ (i.e. relating to the same object (reviewed by Stein and Meredith [Brain Res. 149 (1978) 1–24])).
Two major factors that determine whether different modal cues will be perceived as arising from the same event, and integrated for perceptual gain, are proximity in time and space[Curr. Psychol. Cogn. 13: 3–51.]
A sound is often produced by visible movements of objects in natural environment. Although auditory inputs are received much later than visual inputs, the brain can integrate audiovisual information over a wide range of temporal gap (about 120ms [Yoichi S, Yoiti S, Nature 2003 Feb 27; 421 (6926) : 911]) so that no delay is noticed.
 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2004-6-23 18:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
One of the most impressive features of the central nervous system is its ability to process information from a variety of stimuli to produce an integrated, comprehensive representation of the external world. The combination of inputs from different senses can function to reduce perceptual ambiguity and enhance stimulus detection. Two major factors that determine whether different modal cues will be perceived as arising from the same event, and integrated for perceptual gain, are proximity in time and space. Previous electrophysiological studies in nonhuman primates and other mammals have shown that sensory cues from different modalities that appear at the same time and in the same location can increase the firing rate of multisensory cells in the superior colliculus to a level exceeding that predicted by summing the responses to the unimodal inputs. This principle is also applicable to multisensory interaction in neurons of the cerebral cortex. When the firing frequency in neurons during the “activated period” is higher, the amplitude of ERPs component is larger on the surface, so that the neural basis of this auditory-visual interaction can be investigated by subtracting the ERPs to the auditory (A) and the visual (V) stimulus alone from the ERPs to the combined auditory-visual (AV) stimulus (i.e. interaction = AV-(A+V)).
The temporal relationship of the different stimuli has been investigated in animal superior colliculus and presented several principles about influencing level of response enhancement: maximal levels of response enhancement were generated by overlapping the peak discharge periods evoked by each modality; the magnitude of this enhancement decayed monotonically to zero as the peak discharge periods became progressively more temporally disparate; with further increases in temporal disparity, the same stimulus combinations that previously produced enhancement could often produce depression. Although there is evidence from different experimental approaches suggesting that crossmodal integration in the cerebral cortex may subserve a different role from that in the superior colliculus and is governed by slightly different rules, very little is currently known about the details underlying cortical integrative processes. As the manner in which crossmodal stimuli are processed becomes increasingly sophisticated with evolutionary development, it should be cautious in extrapolating from studies in non-human animals to human. Knowledge of the timing and anatomical distribution of cortical multisensory processing is essential to determining the roles that it plays in information processing. The data of fMRI and PET has shown that using the temporal principles can identify multisensory integration sites in human cortex. Unfortunately, very little is known regarding the timing of multisensory processes on the basis of their temporal asynchrony. Here, we have used ERPs to investigate the cortical integrative processes in human during nonspeech auditory-visual SOA 15 ms and SOA 30 ms. There is a interaction effect was detected not on both temporal parameter condition but only on SOA 30 ms condition. This result suggests that temporal factor, in human cortex, can influence the occurrence of auditory-visual interaction, unlike in animal superior colliculus that only influence level of response enhancement.

[此帖子已被 zhixl 在 2004-6-25 22:35:50 编辑过]
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