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来去如风 发表于 2011-3-14 06:47:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

arrow64 发表于 2011-3-14 06:59:21 | 显示全部楼层

自我解答一下,我目前是利用pubmed搜索,然后自动下载全文,但是部分虽然有全文数据库,但是仍然不能下载到全文,于是就利用搜索到的摘要,点开open link,进入pubmed文章摘要,点击linkout,再点击本校拥有的全文数据库。
后来到endnote的论坛中找到一个提高全文搜索效率的帖子供参考,建议注册一个endnote web账户。
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to increase the number of full text articles found automatically?  At the moment I am only getting about 30% of my references having found full text but in reality there are 85-90% of the articles in my database located in my University Libraries e-journals.
Here are some suggestions for improving the accuracy of the EndNote X2 Find Full Text feature:
- You should be IP authenticated to any premium full text resources that you might want EndNote to attempt to connect to.
- If you are associated with an institution that has access to ISI Web of Knowledge, create a free personalized account and log-in. If your institution does not have "custom journal links" set-up for  ISI Web of Knowledge, ask your librarian to do this - this is easy and free.
-  If you are associated with an institution that has access to EndNote Web, create a free account and log-in. Also be sure your account information is complete in the EndNote - Preferences - EndNote Web panel.
- If DOI information is available for the records you want EndNote to try to find full text for, be sure this is in the "DOI" field in the EndNote record.
Also, we are in the process of adding some improvements to the accuracy and performance of the EndNote Find Full Text feature for the upcoming X2.01 patch. So,it might be worth retrying some full text searches with the patch installed. We plan to have the patch available by the end of October.
Jason Rollins, EndNote Product Development
http://forums.thomsonscientific. ...
zhengwind 发表于 2011-3-14 08:12:43 | 显示全部楼层

请问,我已经注册了endnote web账号,可是总是提示“endnote 'Transfer References'could not connect to Endnote Web”,是怎么回事?
arrow64 发表于 2011-3-14 08:50:53 | 显示全部楼层

jjdg 发表于 2011-3-14 09:34:45 | 显示全部楼层

If you have access to a restricted database by IP address
recognition, you may need to edit the connection file so that it
does not prompt you for a user ID and/or password. In
EndNote, select Edit>Connection Files>Open Connection Manager.
Locate the connection file for the database you wish to access,
select it, and click Edit. Click on Connection Settings and uncheck
the User ID and Password boxes under “Login Information
Required.” Select Save from the File menu to save your changes,
and then close the connection file.
lzdxlj 发表于 2011-3-14 10:54:10 | 显示全部楼层

我建立的web endnote 可以连上啊,而且可以自动下载学校有权限的全文
popnie 发表于 2011-3-14 11:09:49 | 显示全部楼层

请问,我已经注册了endnote web账号,可是总是提示“endnote 'Transfer References'could not connect to Endnote Web”,是怎么回事?
我也遇到一样的问题啊。 web endnote也注册了  不知道怎么回事就是x2老师弹这个窗口
benjiachong 发表于 2011-3-14 12:29:26 | 显示全部楼层

"custom journal links"是什么?
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