




楼主: zhixl

[讨论]听觉处理 auditory processing in human&a

thinker_jeff 发表于 2005-12-6 04:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
原文由 xneuron 发表于 2005-11-26 12:14:41 :

What your opinion about plasticity ??

            The terminology of plasticity seems changing from the original concept to the contemporary concept.fficeffice" />

            The original plasticity concept about neural network was using for the early development stage of an animal live, which ended to the certain age, some area might end sooner than the others. After that age, the individual live could only depend on learning to gain their ability for survive.

            More recently the plasticity concept has been extended through all of the animal's life. I have not been convinced that is for sure.

            To my understanding, the plasticity is a feature being able to select the effective synapses and give up the non-effective ones by leaning. But learning is a process not only using plasticity but also being able to grow the new effective synapses. So I still think that the original concept has been more acceptable.

石悲 发表于 2005-11-1 22:08:00 | 显示全部楼层


听觉系统从外界刺激到进入思维状态比视觉应该说简单些。对声波的接受没有象眼球那么需要复杂的调节机制去主动获得特定某种成份,至少对人类来讲,已经失去了某种动物可以通过外耳的活动辨别、选择各种声源的能力。声音到达内耳时,只不过是由不同频率和强度构成的信号。如果说视觉是通过视网膜的平面获得信息的话,那么听觉是由内耳按时间先后获得的一条线状的信息。内耳如何获得声波刺激的机理并不十分清楚,有共振说、频率说、行波说等。不过这对理解听觉的思维形成倒不是一个不可克服的障碍。可以肯定,某一片刻的声波,在内耳接受,并在螺旋神经节、耳蜗神经核、下丘、内侧膝状体等各级中枢的转换后,最后到达颞叶初级听皮质时,已经根据声波中所含有的各种频率和每种频率的强度而形成特定的神经元网络兴奋模式。相对于视皮质,听皮质的外来信息密度明显少多了。但现在,对听觉到皮质后的活动去向也是几乎一片空白。与听觉有关的巨大颞叶皮质对思维的意义,确实大有潜力可挖。fficeffice" />



 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2005-10-30 09:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2005-11-14 16:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
原文由 thinker_jeff 发表于 2005-11-12 22:58:00 :

This is a good one!


Abstract #5708, Date Sunday, Feb 20 2000 1:00PM - 12:00PM , Session ,
Frequency tuning plasticity in rat primary auditory cortex
Pritesh K Pandya , Jessica Vazquez , Daniel Rathbun , Navzer D Engineer , Raluca Moucha , Michael P Kilgard
It is well documented that powerful plasticity mechanisms can substantially alter the receptive fields (RF) of auditory cortex neurons. Episodic electrical stimulation of the cholinergic nucleus basalis (NB) paired with tonal stimuli can be used to mimic naturally occurring experience-dependent plasticity. This plasticity paradigm is sufficient to generate dramatic changes in the representation of both spectral (Kilgard & Merzenich, Science, 1998) and temporal (Kilgard & Merzenich, Nature Neuroscience, 1998) information in the primary auditory cortex (A1) of adult rats. RF size (spectral selectivity) can be narrowed, broadened, or left unchanged depending on the specific parameters of the stimulus paired with NB activation. Previous work using NB stimulation suggests that frequency bandwidth varies systematically as a function of spectral variability and modulation rate. A primary goal of our ongoing research is to precisely characterize how differential acoustic experience shapes cortical response properties. The present study represents a further step in our effort to determine the rules of plasticity for frequency selectivity. Adult rats were chronically implanted with NB stimulating electrodes and received electrical stimulation of NB paired with a single tone with a high degree of spectral variability (1 of 10 randomly interleaved tone frequencies) 200-300 times per day for approximately 20 days. Frequency-intensity tuning properties were derived using multi-unit data from 50-70 microelectrode penetrations for each animal during an acute mapping experiment using barbiturate anesthesia. Our present model of A1 plasticity predicts that pairing NB stimulation with different tone frequencies will trigger maximal sharpening of A1 frequency tuning. Preliminary results are encouraging and the final results of this study will be discussed in the context of previous work on the differential RF plasticity in A1 dependent upon the degree of spectral variability and modulation rate of the paired stimuli.
Supported by the Callier Excellence in Education Fund

[此帖子已被 thinker_jeff 在 2005-11-12 22:59:41 编辑过]


要是有feedback top-down的研究结果就好了.

thinker_jeff 发表于 2005-11-1 23:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
原文由 zhixl 发表于 2005-11-1 9:27:15 :

2.个体差异,特别是初级听觉皮质的位置个体差异很大,所以参考一些经过加算平均处理后的研究结果时一定要慎重. 自己写report的时候也要尽量避免写出"定位在primary auditory area"的字样,否则会遇到麻烦的.\

I guess this maybe because each individual had the unique learning history about his (her) native language.fficeffice" />


 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2005-11-2 07:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
原文由 石悲 发表于 2005-11-1 22:08:05 :



 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2005-11-2 08:18:00 | 显示全部楼层
原文由 thinker_jeff 发表于 2005-11-1 23:35:22 :
原文由 zhixl 发表于 2005-11-1 9:27:15 :

2.个体差异,特别是初级听觉皮质的位置个体差异很大,所以参考一些经过加算平均处理后的研究结果时一定要慎重. 自己写report的时候也要尽量避免写出"定位在primary auditory area"的字样,否则会遇到麻烦的.\

I guess this maybe because each individual had the unique learning history about his (her) native language.fficeffice" />


人和大部分哺乳动物primary auditory area 是按输入声音的频率在不同的细胞团被处理的(本人读过小鼠的研究报告,声音强度也一样,而且音强和频率处理位置的相关系数很高). 人类语音的频率带宽相对于整个听觉系统可处理的频率带宽而言是很窄的,所以我推测人类的语音只在为数很少的几个细胞团里被处理(推测而已,没读过相关报告). 所以语音对整个A1表现出来的个体差异的影响可能不大.

 thinker_jeff 兄,可以说说自己的想法吗?说出来,互相给些灵感.

[此帖子已被 zhixl 在 2005-11-2 8:24:20 编辑过]

thinker_jeff 发表于 2005-10-31 02:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
remind_me 发表于 2005-10-31 09:11:00 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| zhixl 发表于 2005-10-31 14:11:00 | 显示全部楼层


我先将我为硕士生课准备的讲义整理后写到这里.不过不要误会,我不是老师,我还是一个学生,但在日本,硕士生基本是博士生指导的.所以我也就要做这些本不属于我的工作了.还有,我的导师不是日本人,一点都不动日本语,我们都讲英语,所以我是用英文写材料的.因为论坛里的各位将来的论文论文都要用英文发,所以大家也就直接看我的英文材料吧.不过,我的英文很烂,导师用" poor"形容我的英文. 大家看我整理的材料,多多提意见,越多越好.提的越多,我会觉的写的越有意义,不光是听觉知识方面的,还有英文方面的,都希望看到大家的意见.


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