Option Explicit Private Const Selection As Double = 0.45 Private Const Momentum As Double = 0.05 Private Const Bits As Integer = 32 'Bits per chromosome 'Eight 4-bit sections per 32-bit chromosome, using one-point 'Crossover.
Private Const Splices As Integer = 8
Private Const Max_Bits As Integer = Bits / Splices Private Max_value As Integer 'For one-point crossover, divide the chromosome 'so the maximum value for 32-bit chromosomes '(1111|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111) in 'decimal is the Max_value constant (8 4-bit values).
' opulation of parents (population size = Bits / 2) Private Population(1 To Bits / 2) As Chromosome
Private Sections(1 To Splices, 1 To Bits / 2) As Integer 'To break the Chromosome apart
Private Solution As Integer
Private FittestChromosome As String Private Fittestvalue As Double Private aryFittestvalue(1 To Splices) As Double
Private m_Quit As Boolean Private m_Fitness As Double Private m_FitnessSet As Boolean
Private Type Chromosome value As String * Bits Fitness As Double End Type
Public Event Evaluate(values As Variant) 'Returns a safe array Public Event Solved(Chromosome As String, Fitness As Double, values As Variant) Public Event BestSolution(Chromosome As String, Fitness As Double, values As Variant) Public Target As Double 'Target value
Public Sub Quit() m_Quit = True End Sub
Private Sub InitializePopulation()
Dim intI As Integer Dim intParts As Integer Dim strChromosome As String
For intI = 1 To Bits / 2
'Initialize the population strChromosome = "" For intParts = 1 To Splices strChromosome = strChromosome & EncodeChromosome(Rnd * Max_value) Next intParts
Population(intI).value = strChromosome
Next intI
End Sub
Private Function CalculateFitness()
'Calculate fitness of the chromosome
Dim Deltas(1 To Bits / 2) As Double Dim dblDelta As Double Dim intLoop As Integer Dim intPopulation As Integer Dim intSplice As Integer Dim RetArray(1 To Splices) As Double Dim n As Integer
For intPopulation = 1 To Bits / 2 intSplice = 0 For intLoop = 1 To Bits Step Max_Bits intSplice = intSplice + 1 Sections(intSplice, intPopulation) = _ DecodeChromosome(Mid(Population(intPopulation).value, _ intLoop, Max_Bits)) Next intLoop Next intPopulation
'############################################################# For intLoop = 1 To Bits / 2
'Decode the current chromosome For n = 1 To Splices RetArray(n) = Sections(n, intLoop) Next n
m_FitnessSet = False
'Get the user-defined fitness value RaiseEvent Evaluate(RetArray)
'Wait for user response Do While m_FitnessSet = False DoEvents Loop
Deltas(intLoop) = Abs(Target - Fitness)
If Deltas(intLoop) = 0 Then Solution = intLoop End If
Next intLoop '#############################################################
For intLoop = 1 To Bits / 2 If Deltas(intLoop) > dblDelta Then dblDelta = Deltas(intLoop) End If Next intLoop
For intLoop = 1 To Bits / 2 Population(intLoop).Fitness = dblDelta - Deltas(intLoop) + 1 Next intLoop
If Solution <> 0 Then FittestChromosome = Population(Solution).value Fittestvalue = Population(Solution).Fitness 'Fittest chromosome values For n = 1 To Splices aryFittestvalue(n) = Sections(n, Solution) Next n End If
End Function
Private Function NextGeneration()
Dim dblFittest As Double Dim dblFittest2 As Double Dim dblRndFitness As Double Dim intCrossOver As Integer Dim intFittest As Integer Dim intFittest2 As Integer Dim dblLeastFit As Double Dim intLeastFit As Integer Dim intLoop As Integer Dim intChild As Integer Dim dblRnd As Double Dim intRnd As Integer Dim Father As String Dim Mother As String Dim intMutate As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim n As Integer
For intLoop = 1 To Bits / 2 If Population(intLoop).Fitness > dblRndFitness Then dblRndFitness = Population(intLoop).Fitness End If Next intLoop
Randomize Format(Time, "ss")
'One-Point Chromosome Crossover intCrossOver = ((CInt(Rnd * (Splices - 1)) + 1) * Max_Bits) - Max_Bits
'Find fittest chromosome dblRnd = Rnd * (dblRndFitness * Momentum) dblFittest = 0 For i = 1 To Bits / 2 If Population(i).Fitness > dblRnd Then dblRnd = Rnd * 1 If dblRnd > (1 - Selection) Then If Population(i).Fitness > dblFittest Then dblFittest2 = dblFittest dblFittest = Population(i).Fitness intFittest2 = intFittest intFittest = i FittestChromosome = Population(i).value Fittestvalue = Population(i).Fitness 'Fittest chromosome values For n = 1 To Splices aryFittestvalue(n) = Sections(n, i) Next n End If End If End If Next i
'Make sure there are two different parent chromosomes If intFittest = 0 Then intRnd = Rnd * ((Bits - 1) / 2) + 1 dblFittest = Population(intRnd).Fitness intFittest = intRnd End If If intFittest2 = 0 Then intRnd = Rnd * ((Bits - 1) / 2) + 1 dblFittest2 = Population(intRnd).Fitness intFittest2 = intRnd End If
'Cross them over Father = Mid(Population(intFittest).value, 1, intCrossOver) Mother = Mid(Population(intFittest2).value, intCrossOver + 1)
'Find the least fit chromosome and replace it dblLeastFit = dblFittest For intLoop = 1 To Bits / 2 If Population(intLoop).Fitness < dblLeastFit Then dblLeastFit = Population(intLoop).Fitness intLeastFit = intLoop End If Next intLoop
If intLeastFit = 0 Then intRnd = Rnd * ((Bits - 1) / 2) + 1 dblLeastFit = Population(intRnd).Fitness intLeastFit = intRnd End If
'Insert the new hybrid chromosome Population(intLeastFit).value = Father & Mother
'Mutate the chromosomes (very important) For intLoop = 1 To Bits / 2 dblRnd = Rnd * 1 If dblRnd > (1 - Selection) Then intMutate = CInt(Rnd * 1) intCrossOver = Rnd * (Bits - 1) Mid(Population(intLoop).value, intCrossOver + 1, 1) = intMutate End If Next intLoop
End Function
Public Sub Run()
Dim lngWhere As Long
'Get the maximum value for each splice in the chromosome Max_value = DecodeChromosome(String(Max_Bits, "1"))
Do CalculateFitness If Solution <> 0 Then Solution = 0 RaiseEvent Solved(FittestChromosome, Fittestvalue, aryFittestvalue) Exit Sub End If NextGeneration RaiseEvent BestSolution(FittestChromosome, Fittestvalue, aryFittestvalue) DoEvents If m_Quit = True Then m_Quit = False Exit Sub End If Loop
End Sub
Private Function EncodeChromosome(lngDecimal As Long) As String
Dim Remainder(1 To Max_Bits) As Double Dim DecimalNumber As Double Dim i As Integer
'get value DecimalNumber = Val(lngDecimal)
'calculate For i = 1 To Max_Bits Remainder(i) = DecimalNumber Mod 2 DecimalNumber = DecimalNumber / 2 DecimalNumber = Int(DecimalNumber) Next i
'build chromosome For i = Max_Bits To 1 Step -1 EncodeChromosome = EncodeChromosome & Remainder(i) Next i
Erase Remainder
End Function
Private Function DecodeChromosome(strChromosome As String) As Integer
Dim Binum(1 To Max_Bits) As Double Dim Power As Double Dim i As Integer Dim BinLen As Integer
'Remove leading zeros Do If Len(strChromosome) = 0 Then Exit Function If Mid(strChromosome, 1, 1) = "0" Then strChromosome = Mid(strChromosome, 2) Else Exit Do End If Loop
'get the length of the Chromosome BinLen = Len(strChromosome)
'get the value Power = 2 ^ (BinLen - 1)
'calculate the decimal value For i = 1 To Max_Bits If Mid(strChromosome, i, 1) = "1" Then Binum(i) = Power ElseIf Mid(strChromosome, i, 1) = "0" Then Binum(i) = 0 End If Power = Power - (Power / 2) Next i
'sum up the binary numbers For i = 1 To Max_Bits DecodeChromosome = DecodeChromosome + Binum(i) Next i
Erase Binum 'Clear array
End Function
Public Property Let Fitness(value As Double) m_Fitness = value m_FitnessSet = True End Property
Public Property Get Fitness() As Double Fitness = m_Fitness End Property |