I will start at my opinions as same as yours and end up at some opinion disagreed with yours.ffice ffice" /> From the view of time span, there are three types of memories - sensory memory, working memory and long term memory. The sensory memory is happening in the primary stage of the information transmitting from sensory, where is as a buffer (from the view of memories) in the brain system. The working memory is like a working space for all the information pieces which your brain can hold at the same time for the mental task, so that is very important for your intelligence. Based on the neurological evidences, working memory is happening in the prefrontal cortex. The long term memory can be divided into two parts – explicit memory and implicit memory. I have said a lot in another topic < [讨论] 记忆的类型> for these two, so it is not necessary to repeat in here. I have seen some neuroscientists using explicit memory equivalent with 认知记忆 and implicit memory equivalent with 行为记忆. For the < Introduction > in another topic, I have to say that many things have been touched but nothing can be cited to be a reference. It’s just a typical < Introduction >. |